Saturday, July 7, 2007

Citings of a Confused Mind!

Everyone has some or the other dream or aspiration to be successful in one’s chosen field. But only some are able to make it and transform their dreams into realities. May be these are the ones who are focused on their goal, know what they exactly want from life and are resolute in their determination about their future aspirations.

There are some who are quite confused about what the future holds for them and what goals they exactly want to pursue. Should I do this or should I do that? Is this what I want to do? Is this the only thing I want to do or there are many more things I can do? You think I would like to do that then your mind just wanders of like a wanderer to something else and so on. You then think that if by some quirk of fate a miracle happens and you suddenly see your goal materializing in front of your eyes .You feel elated at your new found discovery, you jump with excitement that you have finally found the aim of your life and no one can stop you from achieving it, but then you see it dwindling, as you realize that they were just your wild imaginations and nothing else, you then drown yourself into an abysmal ocean of disappointment and dejection. Your mind keeps vacillating between what to do and what not to do.

You ponder over the matter and then approach a group of people whom you consider as your friends. They have different opinions on the same matter (Naturally how can different minds think alike? If God had made it that way then wouldn’t have humans been just mental clones of each other?). Ok coming back to the point they try and help you, advise you to view things in a different perspective, approach it in different manner, give their own examples and try and show you the right direction. But at the end of the day suppose you have 10 friends then think… think…..they have shown you 10 different directions. You find yourself at crossroads with 10 different directions to choose from! Phew! You pull your hair in exasperation and realize that you have committed the greatest blunder by asking them to show you the right way! But then it wasn’t their fault after all, you think, and that they were just trying to help you! At the same time you are in awe and appreciate the confidence they display, the intelligence with which they are able to take such firm one-to-one decisions and not a confused soul like you, who has to deliberate over every other matter! You wonder that how can a person be so firm headed and resolve issues so effortlessly. The realization dawns on you that you are still at the first step of a long flight of stairs while your friends have already started their journey because they know where they are headed and where they wish to go!

Enough is enough you feel! Now you make up your mind, you resolve that you will no longer allow yourself to be colossal dunce, you will no longer keep lamenting over petty issues, you too will try and take firm decisions and brandish all thoughts which try to deviate you from your aim! However subconsciously you still have no idea for what you are headed. Confidence, Optimism, Ambition are aliens whom you hesitate to be friends with!

But somewhere somehow an angelic voice guides and motivates you to put the first step forward, it tries to drive you towards enlightenment! You pinch yourself and see whether these are imaginations hovering over you again, but then ouch! You feel the pain and realize it is reality! You don’t know the origin of this divine call and then try going on an expedition of sorts to find out if it is somewhere from the surroundings or perhaps God! No no, you try and concentrate hard to stalk its origin which has attempted to transform the grotesque picture of disappointment and failure into a beautiful landscape, the flowing rivers of which symbolize the new vigor gushing inside you, the mountains depicting the new heights you are about to scale, the greenery around symbolizing the freshness with which you will begin the journey, you feel you are born again! You finally find out the originator of this voice, it is from nowhere but the voice of your soul, your inner self which has driven you out from self-exile. You feel that you have finally attained enlightenment just as Lord Buddha had attained under the Bodh Gaya tree! What was going on at the back of your head has finally come in front of your eyes!

But then it is only the beginning, there is still a long way to go, many hurdles to cross before reaching the destination. However it goes without saying that if your mind has shown you your goal, it will lead you and guide you through it. One has to just follow his mind and heart and then there is no stopping, for you to reach your ultimate destination!